Francesco Paolo Gentile

Francesco Paolo Gentile

È un data scientist il cui lavoro concerne varie applicazioni dell' NLP in settori sia pubblici sia privati. Ha conseguito due dottorati di ricerca, uno in linguistica presso la McGill University e uno in filosofia presso l'Università di Nottingham.


Abstract There is a general scientific consensus regarding the bearing of irony in understanding both the communicative and expressive realms of human mind, after epochs in which irony was confined to the role of mere ornament in language. In particular,…

Leggi tutto Ironia

Teorie dell’ironia

Abstract The astonishing linguistic and cognitive richness of irony has fostered increasing multi-disciplinary efforts intended to provide explanation for its mechanisms. Influential proposals have come from the most diverse disciplines, including philosophy of language and aesthetics, pragmatics and the cognitive…

Leggi tutto Teorie dell’ironia